Faculty Cooperations in Research


Partnership Agreements

Interdisciplinary Studies

The Middle European interdisciplinary master's programme in Cognitive Science (MEi:CogSci) is a joint master's programme offered by four European Universities; it aims at educating students in the field of Cognitive Science by providing an environment that supports interdisciplinary study and research and offering a large number of areas for specialisation at the different partner institutions.


Comenius University in Bratislava

Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest

University of Ljubljana

University of Vienna


Cotutelle de thèse

The model for a joint supervision of a thesis ("cotutelle de thèse") was introduced as a result of an initiative of the French Government to create a procedure for the joint supervision of doctoral candidates between French universities and universities in a number of other countries. Nowadays, arrangements using this co-tutelle model can be established between various universities, including in countries other than France. Cotutelle arrangements are personalised conventions between a primary university and a partner university, the primary university being the institution where the doctoral candidate will defend his/her dissertation.


Informal Collaboration

The Vienna Language and Mind (VLM) group is an informal collaboration between the philosophy departments at the Central European University (CEU) and the University of Vienna (UniVie). VLM is also part of the Philosophy of Language and Mind (PLM) Network in Europe.