Scientific Advisory Board - SAB
The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of international scientists. The Rectorate appoints the members on the recommendation of the Faculty for a period of four years.
Given their advisory role, the members shall support the Faculty in the fulfilment of the target agreements and the development planning. They shall also offer consulting with regard to matters of further developing research and teaching.
- Prof. Dr. Tim Crane, Central European University (CEU)
Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy
- Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler, Ludwig Maximilian Universität München (LMU)
Head of Chair V for Practical philosophy and Ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of science and Religious Studies
- Prof. Susan Robertson, PhD, University of Cambridge (CAM)
Professor of Education
- Prof. Bjorn Stensaker, PhD, University of Oslo (UiO)
Vice-Rector for Education