Die öffentlichen Lehrproben und Fachvorträge finden statt wie folgt:
Donnerstag, 16. Jänner 2025 13:45 - 15:15 (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010, 2. Stock, HS 2i)
Opening 13:45 - 13:15
Amber Carpenter
Teaching Presentation: ‘Help! I can’t remember what I want!’—Testing the Limits of Buddhist No-Self 13:50 - 14:20
Research Presentation: Seeing Your Way to Goodness: Dignāga’s Epistemology & Ethical Transformation 14:30 - 15:15
Freitag, 17. Jänner 2025 08:55 - 13:15 (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010, 2. Stock, HS 2H)
Opening 08:55 - 09:00
Elisa Freschi
Teaching Presentation: Erkenntnistheorie in der Sanskrit-Philosophie
09:00 - 09:30
Research Presentation: Rights and responsibilities in the deontic townscape of Mīmāṃsā
10:50 - 11:35
Roy Tzohar
Teaching Presentation: (Some) Buddhist Arguments against the Existence of a Self
09:35 - 10:05
Research Presentation: Indian Philosophy of Language: The Buddhist Yogācāra Theory of Meaning 11:40 - 12:25
Curie Virág
Teaching Presentation: Confucius and Ritual Ethics
10:10 - 10:40
Research Presentation: Kinesis, Cosmos and Cognition in Early China
12:30 - 13:15
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Lehrproben und Fachvorträge zu besuchen.
Wir freuen uns sehr über eine rege Teilnahme und aktive Diskussionen!
The hearings for the professorship Eastern Philosophy will take place on January 16 and 17, 2025.
The public teaching sessions and research talks will take place as follows:
Thursday, January 16, 2025 13:45 - 15:15 (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010, 2. Stock, HS 2i)
Opening 13:45 - 13:15
Amber Carpenter
Teaching Presentation: ‘Help! I can’t remember what I want!’—Testing the Limits of Buddhist No-Self 13:50 - 14:20
Research Presentation: Seeing Your Way to Goodness: Dignāga’s Epistemology & Ethical Transformation 14:30 - 15:15
Friday, January 17, 2025 08:55 - 13:15 (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010, 2. Stock, HS 2H)
Opening 08:55 - 09:00
Elisa Freschi
Teaching Presentation: Erkenntnistheorie in der Sanskrit-Philosophie
09:00 - 09:30
Research Presentation: Rights and responsibilities in the deontic townscape of Mīmāṃsā
10:50 - 11:35
Roy Tzohar
Teaching Presentation: (Some) Buddhist Arguments against the Existence of a Self
09:35 - 10:05
Research Presentation: Indian Philosophy of Language: The Buddhist Yogācāra Theory of Meaning 11:40 - 12:25
Curie Virág
Teaching Presentation: Confucius and Ritual Ethics
10:10 - 10:40
Research Presentation: Kinesis, Cosmos and Cognition in Early China
12:30 - 13:15
You are all cordially invited to attend the teaching presentations and research talks.
We are very pleased about a high attendance und active discussions!