Proposals for the Faculty Conference 2024-2026 Elections

Elections concern the following members:

  • 8 members and substitute members from the pool of university professors,
  • 4 members and substitute members from the pool of university lecturers and scientific staff, and
  • one member and substitute members from the pool of general university staff.

4 members from the pool of students are sent by the student body at the University of Vienna in accordance with the provisions of the 2014 Student Union Act.


Proposals for the Faculty Conference 2024-2026 Elections

Pool of university professors:

„Liste Professorinnen und Professoren Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft“

Univ.-Prof. Paulina Sliwa, PhD
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz, MA
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schnieder, M.A.
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Veronika Wöhrer
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Georg Schiemer
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Susanne Schwab, Bakk. MA
Univ.-Prof. Max Kölbel, MA MPhil PhD
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Schluß

Substitute members:
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz-Markus Peschl
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Judith Schoonenboom
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Angela Kallhoff
Assoz. Prof. dott.ssa mag.a phil. habil. Evi Agostini, PhD


Pool of university lecturers and scientific staff:

„Liste Mittelbau Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft“

Tanja Vogler, BSc MSc PhD
Dr. Paul*A Helfritzsch, B.A. M.A.
Mag. Dr. Verena Krausneker
Dr. Anne Sophie Meincke-Spann, M.A.
Substitute members:
Amos Christopher Postner, BA BA MA
Joshua Adam Bergamin, MA PhD
Jacqueline Hackl, BEd MA
Matt Dougherty, BSc MA MPhil PhD
Mag. Dr. Cornelia Schadler
Dr. Niels de Haan, BA MA


Pool of general university staff:

„Liste allgemeines Universitätspersonal Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft“

Mag. Corinna Hechtl, Bakk.

Substitute members:
Mag. Odin Kröger
Mag. Sabine Koch
Edith Pichler-Kniola




Student Representatives

Jana Elena Kogseder
Oda Johanna Marie Leutner
Josef-Selui Mayer
Monika Milovanovic 

Substitute members:
Cornelia Marschner
Michael Stieber