
06.03.2024 13:22

Application Deadline: 15 March 2024 (23:59 CET).

Location: Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


Herlinde Pauer-Studer was the first Austrian researcher to receive an ERC-Grant in Human Sciences and has, since then, secured yet another ERC...


The announcement has been published in the University Gazette of 8 February.


Raphael Gustavo Aybar Valdivia started as coordinator of the VDP in October. In the following interview he introduces himself and his work.



Die VHS und die Universität Wien laden zur Jubiläumsfeier mit Science Slam Contest am 29. November, in Anwesenheit von Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig...


Eine Führung durch die Geschichte des Frauenstudiums


Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


8. März 2024: Eröffnungsvortrag des Klimaforschers Stefan Rahmstorf zum Thema "Die Klimadebatte – Zwischen Wissenschaft, Querdenkern & Populisten".


Die Führung gewährt einen Einblick in die Pflanzenwelt des Botanischen Gartens. Zu den Höhepunkten zählen die seltenen Orchideen Madagaskars, ein...


Mit der Romantik um 1800 verbinden sich nicht nur Philosophie und Literatur, sondern ebenso und weitaus weniger beachtet auch Medizin und...

Reading Circles, Colloquia etc.

Vienna Science Studies Laboratory (Vienna-based group of multi-disciplinary researchers interested in the diverse topics and issues of science, technology, and medicine studies)

Vienna Language and Mind Group (informal collaboration between the philosophy departments at the Central European University (CEU) and the University of Vienna (UniVie))

Colloquium Viennese Forum for Analytic Philosophy (discussion of papers, internal workshops, open sessions, presentation of and feedback on research projects) Subscribe to the mailing list at:

UPSalon Reading Cycle (philosophical works dealing with gender, race, sexuality, or disability)
Write an e-mail to for more information.

Logik Café (philosophical Logic and formal epistemology)

Writing Evenings VPD (opportunity and space to work on your dissertation or other academic texts; open to doctoral students, advanced master's students, and postdocs in the field of philosophy) Write an e-mail to Lisa Tragbar for more information:



 Us in the Media


  • Newspaper articles and interviews:
    Please change to the German version of this page where we provide a list of links to current media contributions under "Medienportal"
  • Books

Listening to Philosophy